Friday, April 24, 2009

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you come in contact with today is battling something.

I heard this quote on the radio and I was able to extend some of what I heard to a man that approached my car after leaving the McDonald's drive-through.  This guy asked me if I could give him some money for some bus fair and I have heard this line like a million times on the eastside and downtown.  I asked him if he was hooked on dope.....which sounds kinda crazy, but he looked at me and said,"dang you just came right out and asked me."  He then said,"Yes I am."  I asked him if he wanted to quit or wanted help and I was able to let him know I have been exactly where he's currently at.  There was much more dialogue, but to make a long story short he wasn't ready for help.  I looked him in the eyes and told him that I love him, he's loved, and God loves him.  He told me that it was the best news he's heard in a long time.  That moment was perfect.  I got out of bed and grabbed my computer cause I felt like I had to write about love.  When is the last time someone looked you in the eye and told you that you were loved?  Or when is the last time you looked at a friend and just told them you loved them and that God loves them?  It ministered to me just speaking the words to another person.  Love is irresistible to the giver and the receiver. Our words are so powerful, the power of life and death.  We can give hope, encouragement, and life or we can bring death, despair, and  hell by what we  say and do to others.   Being kinder than necessary to me is just being aware of others posture and trying to minister to them the love of Christ by simply smiling, saying hello, giving compliments, and recognizing there needs.  Smile as much as possible:)  There are a lot of frowns now days.   I am serious, there is so much that can be accomplished through a simple smile and graceful greeting.  Peace

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